VC2523A 12.5L aluminum vacuum chamber with heavy polycarbonate lid and powerful VP125 single stage oil pump with 71 L/min (2.5CFM) free air displacement.
VC3028A 20L aluminum vacuum chamber with heavy polycarbonate lid and powerful VP160 single stage oil pump with 170 L/min (6 CFM) free air displacement.
VC2509A 4.8L aluminum vacuum chamber with heavy polycarbonate lid and powerful VP125 single stage oil pump with 71 L/min (2.5CFM) free air displacement.
VC2523AG 12.5L aluminum vacuum chamber with lid made of safety hardened glass and powerful VP260 two-stage oil pump with 170 L/min (6CFM) free air displacement.
VC3028AG 20L aluminum vacuum chamber with lid made of safety hardened glass and powerful VP260 two-stage oil pump with 170 L/min (6CFM) free air displacement.
VC2509AG 12.5L aluminum vacuum chamber with lid made of safety hardened glass and powerful VP228 two-stage oil pump with 71 L/min (2.5CFM) free air displacement.
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