Small Polypropylene Mold for Jewelry Casting
Code: P2454_V3595Product detailed description
Polypropylene mold for jewelry blanks for repeated casting and easy release thanks to non-stick polypropylene. Easily disassembled and put back together. Internal dimensions 100 x 30 x 50 mm.
Material: Polypropylene with a thickness 8 mm. Polypropylene is characterized by high toughness, mechanical, thermal and chemical resistance. The resin can be easily peeled off after curing, eliminating the need to use separators.
Mold construction:
Attachment with the wing nuts from one front side is sufficient. The other sides are already plastered from the factory and if it is not absolutely necessary, you do not need to unscrew them. Follow these steps to use the mold:
- Unscrew the wing nuts and remove the wall.
- Apply a sufficient amount of silicone (or acrylic) sealant to the milled parts and around the screw holes.
- Put the wall back on, make sure it fits nicely into the milled grooves, screw the nuts on and tighten. Do not use overloaded strength. Note: We recommend supporting the mold or leaving the nuts in a horizontal position (slightly loose) so that the nuts in a vertical position do not lift the mold and sit on the entire surface of the table.
- Now apply silicone from the inside or outside of the mold. For small molds, we recommend leaving the inside clean. Silicone extruded from the joint shold be smoothed on the edges and corners with cotton buds; the rest can be wiped off.
- Apply the sealant from the outside of the mold to all joints in thick layer and wipe it off with a spatula (or a finger). If you don't mind the layer of putty inside the mold, you can skip the previous steps and properly putty only the inside. We do not recommend skipping the steps to ensure perfect casting result.
- Now let the putty dry for a day (or at least overnight). After the putty has crosslinked, the mold is prepared for casting.
When purchased, the mold is already sealed and ready for the first casting. Just check the tightening of the wing nuts.
Additional parameters
Category: | Separators and Molds for Epoxy Casting |
Warranty: | 2 years |
Weight: | 0.35 kg |
Materiál: | deskový PP 8 mm |
Rozměry: | 100 x 30 x 50 mm |
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