Veropal LAM 1000 – Very Slow Epoxide for Lamination

Code: 2282/1-3
Brand: Synpo
from €18,66 / pcs from €15,42 excl. VAT

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VEROPAL LAM 1000 is a clear two-component solvent-free epoxy resin for very slow lamination of composite materials. It has a lower viscosity, it is self-levelling. Saturates lamination fabrics well. 

Sold as a set of resin and hardener.

Detailed information

Velikost balení: 1,34kg
Skladem (2 pcs) | 2282/1-3
Delivery to: 26/02/2025
€18,66 / pcs
€15,42 excl. VAT
Velikost balení: 6,70kg
Skladem (2 pcs) | 2282/6-7
Delivery to: 26/02/2025
€93,48 / pcs
€77,26 excl. VAT

Product detailed description

VEROPAL LAM 1000 is a clear two-component solvent-free epoxy resin with a hardener for slow lamination of composite materials. It has a lower viscosity, it is self-levelling. Saturates lamination fabrics well. It has very low shrinkage when cured. Short processing time, the casting is hard. It is beautifully fluid, odorless, with a simple mixing ratio. It can be easily colored, or partially filled.


  • Fast lamination of composite materials – quick repairs
  • Production of composite parts
  • Suitable for manual lamination, winding lamination, RTM/RIM/SCRMP process and infusion.

Properties of uncured system:

  • Mixing ratio 100 : 34 by weight,
  • Viscosity at 25 °C – 200-350 mPa.s,
  • Density at 23 °C – 1.07-1.1 g/cm3,
  • Tintable yellowish liquid,
  • Geltime at 25 °C in 100 g – 900-1100 min.,
  • Gel time at 25 °C in 400 g – 700-800 min.,
  • Workability at 25 °C in 100 g – <5 hrs./100 g,
  • Workability at 25 °C in 400 g – <4 hrs./400 g.

Mechanical properties of the cured system:

  • E modulus, bending – 3070 MPa,
  • Bending strength – 109 MPa,
  • Extension of bends – 4.4 %,
  • Emodulus, tension – 3350 MPa,
  • Tensile strength – 64 MPa,
  • Tensile extension – 3.4 %,
  • Tg (DMA) – 75 °C,
  • Tg (DSC) – 72 °C,
  • Water absorption in 24 hours – 0.14 %,
  • Water absorption after 7 days – 0.50 %.

Packaging: 1.34 kg, 6.7 kg and 13.4 kg.

Additional parameters

Warranty: 1 year
Certifikace styku s potravinami: Ne
UV stabilita: Střední
míchací poměr: 100:34 hm%
gel time při 25°C ve 400g: 700-800min
zpracovatelnost  při 25°C ve 400g: < 4 h/ 400 g
Pevnost ohyb: 109 MPa
Pevnost tah: 64 MPa
? Tg: 75°C (DMA); 72°C (DSC)

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