Adhesives and Epoxy Repairs
Epoxy or wood chipping occurs during the casting processing and Starbond instant cyanoacrylate adhesives or Veropal Quick fast epoxy adhesives are used for quick repairs. Adhesives are also used for various structural bonding, not only for wood but also for other materials.

Starbond Black Medium KE-150 is a black medium flow cyanoacrylate adhesive. Effectively hides wood imperfections, fills knots, cracks or highlights certain parts of...

Starbond Black Medium Thick KBL-500 is a black thick cyanoacrylate instant adhesive medium fluidity. Effectively hides wood imperfections, fills knots, cracks or...

Starbond Black Medium KE-150 is a black medium flow cyanoacrylate adhesive. Effectively hides wood imperfections, fills knots, cracks or highlights certain parts of...

Starbond Black Medium Thick KBL-500 is a black thick cyanoacrylate instant adhesive medium fluidity. Effectively hides wood imperfections, fills knots, cracks or...

Instant adhesive remover Starbond Debonder is a unique mixture of propylene carbonate and alcohols that allows quick and effective debonding and removal of adhesives, especially...

Starbond Flexible Heavy Medium KEG-500 is a flexible, thick instant adhesive with high impact absorption and heat, moisture and weather resistance for highly stressed...

Starbond Gap Filler Thick EM-2000 is a thick instant adhesive. Thanks to their thixotropy and high viscosity (2000 mPas), they perfectly fill large cracks, gaps and...

Starbond Heavy Thin EM-40 is a very fast thin-film ethyl cyanoacrylate "finishing" instant adhesive water resistant, used in the final finishing of wooden surface...

Starbond Medium Multi-Purpose EM-150 is a very fast multi-purpose instant adhesive of medium viscosity for bonding many substrates and strengthening the surfaces of porous...