Veropal WSB E-LV Epoxy Wood Stabilization Resin
Code: 1880/1-4 1880/7KG 1880/14K Choose variantProduct detailed description
VEROPAL WSB E-LV is a clear, extra low-viscosity, two-component epoxy stabilizing resin for stabilizing porous, porous materials and wood with larger cracks or holes without the need for a vacuum chamber. It is food contact certified. It is extremely thin, liquid, runny, very absorbent, practically odorless. It naturally debubbles very well. It has a long processing time and a high ability to saturate materials. It can be easily colored with dyes for stabilization Veropal WSB PR a>. When cast (up to a layer of 5 cm) and cured, it creates a cast with a hard surface, minimal shrinkage and a high gloss. It is also suitably used as a suitable and very durable surface finish for exteriors as well. It cures at a normal temperature for about 1.5-2 days, at an elevated temperature of about 75-80 °C in an oven or oven, the curing time is significantly shortened (2-3 hours).</p >
- Usage:
Stabilization of porous and porous materials.
Stabilization of soft, rotten, degraded wood and wood with large cracks.
Casting of small to medium-sized castings with layers up to 5 cm (jewelry, clocks, cutting boards...)
- Also suitable for closing pores in wood, it soaks well into wood.
- As a durable surface treatment for wood, also for outdoor use.
Additional features:
- appearance after mixing components A and B – clear water-clear liquid
- dyeability - with suitable and compatible dyes and pigments (see section PIGMENTS)
- working temperature - ideally 19-23 °C. It is possible to work at lower temperatures, e.g. (10-15 °C), but it is necessary to take into account the extension of hardening with each step down. A lower temperature slows down the hardening process, a higher temperature speeds it up. At an increased temperature of approx. 75-80 °C in an oven or oven, the hardening time is significantly shortened (2-3 hours).
- appearance after curing - clear, glassy
- 1.4 kg (component A: 1 kg + component B: 0.4 kg)
- 7 kg (component A: 5 kg + component B: 2 kg)
- 14 kg (component A: 10 kg + component B: 4 kg)
- Procedure: First, mix both components according to the weight ratio at normal temperature. Large pieces of material (e.g. wooden spoons, wooden trunk slices, etc.) that cannot be placed in a vacuum or pressure chamber are first cleaned of mechanical impurities. After that, we repeatedly rub the Veropal WSB E-LV resin with a brush into the surface of the stabilized material until the material absorbs. In the case of smaller pieces, it is possible to place these pieces in a container with stabilizing resin and weigh them down (or let them float in it and occasionally turn them repeatedly). In the case of highly porous materials, there will be a significant drop in the resin level. It is necessary to check that the stabilized body is still below the surface of the resin. When the material is already saturated and does not accept any more resin, it is allowed to harden at normal temperature (in the case of smaller pieces in the container, take them out of the resin and wrap them). Curing can be accelerated by temperature. The procedure of wrapping the saturated material in e.g. shrink wrap has proven to be effective so that the resin does not leak out of the pores unnecessarily during hardening (careful that the temperature does not destroy the shrink wrap, in the case of higher temperatures use aluminum foil wrapping). It is possible to use a vacuum chamber or a pressure chamber to support the impregnation of the epoxy system.
- After the resin has hardened and cooled, the stabilized material can be sanded and polished to a final appearance.
- The cured material must contain less than 10% moisture. For complete drying of the material, it is recommended to place the body for at least 12 hours (drying time depends on the size of the body) in an oven at a temperature of 105 °C. After drying, the body is sealed in a well-sealed container and allowed to cool. Do not put freshly dried hot material into the stabilizing resin! Premature polymerization may occur and the body will not be properly stabilized.
Additional parameters
Category: | Epoxy Stabilizing Resins |
Warranty: | 1 year |
Certifikace styku s potravinami: | Ano |
UV stabilita: | Vysoká |
SYNPO akciová společnost je již více než 70 let čelním představitelem aplikovaného výzkumu v oblasti pryskyřic, laků, nátěrových hmot, lepidel, tmelů a polymerů. Pod svojí značkou VEROPAL vyrábí čiré epoxidové pryskyřice, lepidla, tmely, kompozity a další polymerní produkty. Výrábí také velmi kvalitní průmyslové nátěrové hmoty Akrylmetal. Zabývá se smluvním výzkumem a vývojem a formulacemi v oblasti syntetických polymerů, nátěrových hmot, kompozitů a lepidel. Díky svým certifikovaným analytickým a zkušebním laboratořím udržují krok se světovými materiálovými trendy. Věnují se také zakázkové výrobě specialit v oblasti polymerní chemie a vývoji procesů na poloprovozním a výrobním zařízení. Od roku 2000 je u společnosti zaveden certifikovaný systém managementu jakosti dle ISO 9001.