Epoxy Casting Accessories

We offer many useful accessories for casting which will make your work easier and more comfortable. Polypropylene cups and buckets are used as epoxy mixing vessels, and the resin itself is mixed by specially shaped stirrers or plastic stirrers in the case of small volumes. Veropal Bubble Off (the de-bubbling spray) or casting with a 190µm nylon sieve can be used to de-bubble the casting. Dosing pipettes can be used very conveniently for the correct dosing of liquid pigments.


Nylon Filter 190 µm for Bubble Elimination
(€0,17 excl. VAT)
Epoxio čirý míchací kelímek z polypropylenu
Finixa Clear Polypropylene Mixing Cup
Skladem (>5 pcs)
from €0,32
(from €0,26 excl. VAT)
Veropal Bubble Off odbublinkovávací sprej
(€8,47 excl. VAT)
čistič brusiva blok
Čistič brusiva
Skladem u dodavatele - dostupnost do 14 dní
(€12,62 excl. VAT)
nálevky na kanystry
Nálevka na kanystry
Skladem (>5 pcs)
from €1,97
(from €1,63 excl. VAT)
Odmašťovadlo průmyslové LV PC 213 ve spreji
(€7,80 excl. VAT)
protiskluzné podložky pro broušení
(€24,07 excl. VAT)
otočný stojan pro prezentaci výrobků
Turntable for Product Display
Skladem (1 pcs)
(€13,62 excl. VAT)
silikonová paracovní podložka
Silicone Working Pad 40 x 60 cm
Skladem u dodavatele - dostupnost do 7 dní
(€18,73 excl. VAT)
Digitální váha
Digital Balances for Epoxies
Momentálně nedostupné
(€16,57 excl. VAT)
23 items total
Pipeta na dávkování pigmentů
€0,10 excl. VAT
€0,12 / pcs

Plastic transparent pipette for precise dosing of liquid pigment or for creating special effects in epoxy resin. Volume 3 ml.

Čiré kelímky 100ml
€0,50 excl. VAT
€0,60 / pcs

Clear cup 100 ml suitable for testing new effects with pigments, for testing the behavior of epoxy resin in different conditions or for dosing in small volumes. In a package of...

čistič brusiva blok
Čistič brusiva
Skladem u dodavatele - dostupnost do 14 dní
€12,62 excl. VAT
€15,27 / pcs
Digitální váha
Digital Balances for Epoxies
Momentálně nedostupné
€16,57 excl. VAT
€20,05 / pcs

Accurate mini digital balances with an elegant design for weighing smaller volumes of epoxies with a maximum capacity of 5 kg and an accuracy of 1 g. Size 18 x 14 cm.

Epoxio Thermal Insulation Box for Epoxy Casting
€185,64 excl. VAT
€224,63 / pcs

Epoxio thermal insulation box is used to ensure a suitable temperature for epoxy systems in conditions where it is difficult or expensive to adequately heat the premises, high...

Epoxio zubová stěrka se zubem 1mm
€1,30 excl. VAT
€1,57 / pcs

Epoxio toothed trowel for efficient and even application of surface layers of epoxy. Plastic, teeth size 1 mm and 0.5 mm, trowel size 100 x 70 mm.

Epoxio čirý míchací kelímek z polypropylenu
from €0,26 excl. VAT
from €0,32 / pcs

Clear mixing cups made of polypropylene for simple casting and demolding of epoxy resin. Reusable after peeling off the hardened epoxy. 

Uzavírací víčko na čiré míchací kelímky Finixa Epoxio.cz
from €0,13 excl. VAT
from €0,16 / pcs

Closing lid for Finixa clear polypropylene mixing cup. Protection of the contents against dust, air humidity or contamination with other liquids. 

protiskluzné podložky pro broušení
€24,07 excl. VAT
€29,13 / pcs
Odmašťovadlo LV PC 213
from €3,49 excl. VAT
from €4,22 / pcs

LV PC 213 is a degreaser for preparing surfaces before applying a paint or casting layer. Suitable for epoxies, ferrous, non-ferrous surfaces (e.g. aluminum, brass, stainless...

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maskovaci paska bezova 100C
from €1,13 excl. VAT
from €1,37 / pcs

High-quality masking tape with a temperature resistance of 100 °C, suitable for covering parts during sanding, painting, etc. Can also be used for solvent systems. Length 50 m.

nálevky na kanystry
Nálevka na kanystry
Skladem (>5 pcs)
from €1,63 excl. VAT
from €1,97 / pcs
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