VEROPAL WSB A Acrylic stabilization resin

Code: 1874/1KG 1874/5KG 1874/10K Choose variant
Brand: Synpo
€23,44 / pcs €110,56 / pcs €207,77 / pcs from €23,44 / pcs €19,37 excl. VAT €91,37 excl. VAT €171,71 excl. VAT from €19,37 excl. VAT €23,44 / 1 kg €22,11 / 1 kg €20,78 / 1 kg
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VEROPAL WSB A is a low-viscosity one-component acrylic stabilizing resin for stabilizing hard, compact, less porous materials and wood with micro cracks.

Supplied as a set of resin and hardener.

Detailed information

Product detailed description

VEROPAL WSB A is a clear, low-viscosity, one-component acrylic resin suitable for stabilization of hard, compact, less porous materials and wood with micro cracks. It is beautifully liquid, practically odorless, easy to activate, has a long processing time and a high ability to saturate materials. It can be easily colored with dyes for stabilization Veropal WSB PR. It can produce a hard surface with minimal shrinkage and high gloss. Curing requires elevated temperatures of 85-95 °C in an oven or in hot water (must be carefully wrapped to prevent water from penetrating the cured material) for a minimum of 2 hours. With proper storage, the activated resin can be used repeatedly even after several months.

  • Usage:
    • Stabilization of hard, less porous materials.
    • Stabilization of compact wood with small microcracks.


  • Additional features:

    • Appearance after activation – water-clear liquid.
    • Dyeability – suitable and compatible dyes VEROPAL WSB PR.
    • Working temperature ideally 19-23 °C. Temperature for resin curing 85-95 °C for about 2 hours.
  • Packaging:

    • 1 kg resin + 0.2 g activator
    • 5 kg resin + 1 g activator
    • 10 kg of resin + 2 g of activator
  • Processing procedure: 
  1. Veropal WSB resin needs to be activated before first use. The dosage of the activator is 500 parts by weight of resin to 1 part of the activator. Pour the included activator into the canister, mix thoroughly and let it dissolve for about 2 hours. Then mix the resin again. 
  2. The stabilized material is placed in a vacuum chamber and immersed in the resin. Light materials need to be loaded so that they are completely immersed in resin for the duration of vacuuming. In the case of highly porous materials, there will be a significant drop in the resin level in the vacuum chamber. It is necessary to check that the stabilized body is still below the surface of the resin. The vacuum in the chamber is then turned on and the bodies are left to vacuum until air bubbles stop escaping. Subsequently, the vacuum is released and the resin is allowed to penetrate the material for another 30 minutes (the material saturation time is approximately the same as the vacuuming time). In the case of larger bodies, it is advisable to repeat this procedure. It is possible to use a pressure chamber with increased pressure to support the absorption of the resin.
  3. After the impregnation process is finished, the bodies are wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in a preheated oven (85-95 °C) and left to cure for at least 2 hours (the curing time depends on the size of the cured body. After the resin has hardened and cooled, the stabilized grind and polish the material to the final appearance.
  4. Unused activated resin could be stored in the cold, it can be used repeatedly for further stabilization.
  5. NOTE: The cured material must contain less than 10% moisture. For complete drying of the material, it is recommended to place the body for at least 12 hours (drying time depends on the size of the body) in an oven at a temperature of 105 °C. After drying, the body is sealed in a well-sealed container and allowed to cool. Do not put freshly dried hot material into the stabilizing resin! Premature polymerization may occur and the body will not be properly stabilized.

Additional parameters

Category: Acrylic Stabilizing Resins
Warranty: 1 year
Certifikace styku s potravinami: Ne
UV stabilita: Vysoká
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