
Nylon Filter 190 µm for Bubble Elimination
(€0,17 excl. VAT)
Epoxio čirý míchací kelímek z polypropylenu
Finixa Clear Polypropylene Mixing Cup
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: 179/400
from €0,32
(from €0,26 excl. VAT)
Plastic Ruler for Mixing of Epoxide 23 cm
Plastic Ruler for Mixing of Epoxide 23 cm
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: P97_V467
(€0,15 excl. VAT)
michadla na epoxidovou pryskyrici
Plastic Propeller for Drill
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: 332/MAL2
from €4,19
(from €3,46 excl. VAT)
Veropal RA 100 separátor ve spreji
Veropal RA 100 Demolding Spray
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: P211_V977
(€11,73 excl. VAT)
Čiré kelímky 100ml
Clear Cup for Epoxies 100 ml 10 pcs
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: P1504_V2614
(€0,50 excl. VAT)
Polypropylenová separační páska
Polypropylene Separation Tape
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: P85_V449
(€1,48 excl. VAT)
Veropal Rapid 24ml rychlé epoxy lepidlo
Veropal RAPID Fast Epoxy Glue
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: 353
(€5,57 excl. VAT)
Veropal Bubble Off odbublinkovávací sprej
Veropal Bubble Off – Antibubble Spray
Skladem (>5 pcs)
Code: 323
(€8,40 excl. VAT)
sada dřevěných špachtlí na míchání
(€0,23 excl. VAT)
112 items total
jednorázové nitrilové ochranné rukavice
from €0,33 excl. VAT
from €0,40 / pcs

Thick disposable nitrile gloves for hand protection for work with epoxy resin. They offer an optimal combination of comfort and protection of the skin of the hands.

Code: P101_V473
Mixpac Dual Profi pistole 50ml 10 ku 1 výtlačná pistole
€22,70 excl. VAT
€27,47 / pcs

Veropal SUPER is a unique hybrid epoxy two-component structural glue with high ductility (up to 55 %) and excellent peel and shear strength. Medium fast. For gluing various...

Code: 8132
Epoxio Thermal Insulation Box for Epoxy Casting
€184,17 excl. VAT
€222,84 / pcs

Epoxio thermal insulation box is used to ensure a suitable temperature for epoxy systems in conditions where it is difficult or expensive to adequately heat the premises, high...

Code: P1450_V2458
Epoxio zubová stěrka se zubem 1mm
€1,28 excl. VAT
€1,55 / pcs

Epoxio toothed trowel for efficient and even application of surface layers of epoxy. Plastic, teeth size 1 mm and 0.5 mm, trowel size 100 x 70 mm.

Code: 5346
Epoxio čirý míchací kelímek z polypropylenu
from €0,26 excl. VAT
from €0,32 / pcs

Clear mixing cups made of polypropylene for simple casting and demolding of epoxy resin. Reusable after peeling off the hardened epoxy. 

Code: 179/400
Finixa elektrická leštička 800W
€155,17 excl. VAT
€187,76 / pcs

The Finixa 1050W electric polisher is efficient and continuously adjustable from 700 to 2,500 rpm and is equipped with a unique flexible polishing pad driver that copies the...

Code: 2216
Uzavírací víčko na čiré míchací kelímky Finixa Epoxio.cz
from €0,13 excl. VAT
from €0,16 / pcs

Closing lid for Finixa clear polypropylene mixing cup. Protection of the contents against dust, air humidity or contamination with other liquids. 

Code: P105_V495
FLEX bruska ORE 2 125EC na dřevo a epoxid
€270,69 excl. VAT
€327,53 / pcs

FLEX ORE 5-150 EC is a powerful eccentric sander with speed control with a diameter of 150 mm and a stroke of 5 mm. Very effective sanding of wood and epoxy.

Code: 8272
vysavac flex vc 21L mc
€226,83 excl. VAT
€274,47 / pcs

FLEX VC 21L MC is a powerful safety vacuum cleaner (class L) with manual filter cleaning and a volume of 20 L. Suitable for all types of dust with AGW values ​​>1 mg/m³.

Code: 5326
Horkovzdušná pistole Asist 2000W
€16,44 excl. VAT
€19,89 / pcs

The Finixa 1050W electric polisher is efficient and continuously adjustable from 700 to 2,500 rpm and is equipped with a unique flexible polishing pad driver that copies the...

Code: 9162
Kovax pneumatická excentrická bruska Promax Air 150
Kovax Pneumatic Eccentric Sander Proma-X Air 150
Skladem u dodavatele - dostupnost do 7 dní (1 pcs)
€194,98 excl. VAT
€235,92 / pcs

Kovax pneumatic eccentric sander with suction Proma-X Air 150 with a diameter of 150 mm and a stroke of 5 mm. Very effective sanding of wood and epoxy.

Code: 2218
protiskluzné podložky pro broušení
€23,88 excl. VAT
€28,90 / pcs
Code: 7993
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